Dog park cost estimate
We have not included labor for the following: Installation of slats into chain link fencing, setting & mounting in place of, park benches, elevated water bowls, signs, waste stations, storage shed and trash cans. These are all task that can easily be handled by two or three volunteers.
On going volunteer needs.
Tulsa parks with 135 parks and trails to maintain cannot and should not be expected to provide all the services required to perform daily maintenance that a city park and in particular a dog park require. The following will have to be done on a daily basis by volunteers; restock dog waste stations (3) cleanup any dog waste left on ground, take waste bags from waste stations and liners from trash receptacles to nearby designated trash receptacles out side of dog park fenced area. This would probably require between 15-30 minutes daily.
Likely long term voluntary maintenance & cost needs. Trash can liners, waste station liners, individual dog waste bags, replacing fence slats, repairing sod issues, replacing water bowls, fixing gate issues and repairing vandalism.
Dog Park Hours.
Although dogs see well in the dark, humans don't. Existing lighting in proposed dog park area is not adequate and additional lighting is not in the cost estimate, so suggested dog park hours are sunrise to sunset every day of the week excepting Monday.